3.1. Managers – Executive Committee Members
General Manager

Cellar Master POMMERY

Direct of Financial Controls

Human Resources Director

Ceo UK
Export Director
3.2. Board of Directors
3.3. Board Committees
Per the Board of Directors’ decision of 11 October 2010, the Board has an Audit Committee. The Audit Committee seats at least three members. At least one of the members must have financial and accounting competence. The Audit Committee currently seats the following members :
- Mrs Anne-Marie POIVRE, Committee Chair, Independent Director
- Mr Pierre GAUTHIER, Independent Director
- Mrs Jacqueline FRANJOU, Independent Director.
Without reducing the powers of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee’s particular mission is to track :
- The effectiveness of the risk management and internal audit systems (covering all the fields of the VRANKEN-POMMERY MONOPOLE Group’s entities);
- The process of financial development (understanding the overall architecture of the accounting and financial information production systems and support for the preparation of the works of the Board of Directors in the framework of the closing of the annual financial statements and the examination of the intermediate accounts);
- The legal audit of the annual financial statements and of the consolidated financial statements by the STATUTORY AUDITORS;
- The independence of the STATUTORY AUDITORS.
3.4. Articles of Association and Board Rules of Procedure
Below in PDF format, you will find the rules of procedure and the statutes of the company.